B2C sales or otherwise – business to consumer sales has certain subtilities. The vast majority of sales are conducted over the phone or just shopping centers, grocery stores. Why is that? Therefore, the users are buying in small amounts each other, but collectively they form a relatively high purchasing power. So, it is normal that in order to optimize processes, usually B2C sales are conducted by phone or in stores. Of course, there are exceptions, such as large-scale (luxury goods) sales. In such cases, it becomes necessary to have closed parties, recommendations, personal contacts and so on. However, this is exceptional.
B2C sales are distinguished by the fact that correctly optimizing call center (in telemarketing sales assistance) can be assembled a dozen or even several dozens of contracts (physical sales) per day, what would be impossible to make while being in the meetings. Of course, this applies only to small, medium-order goods.
Another important exclusivity – B2C sales (telephone or telemarketing) concentrates more on products rather than services. In other words, active sales in the B2C segment by the telephone and for the sale of goods. Passive – can be applied to both goods and services for sale. Passive sales are usually inspired by advertising, the various properties of recommendation.
In turn, we conduct training on how to successfully make sales in the B2C segment both by telephone or telemarketing and shops (stores). Especially often is the case that shops and stores operating sales – consultants do not know or do not pay the correct access to the client, does not find ways to offer goods or services to persons who come to the salon. And it’s so simple – you just need a bit of training and sales would grow .. Even if you do not know which is better – to have your own sales team or hire – we advise you on how to find the most efficient and optimal solution, enabling you to achieve the goals. Do not hesitate – contact us and we are sure that together we will find solutions to increase your company’s sales in the B2C sector.