What a sales strategy is probably everyone knows. It’s just a question of whether we really have it and whether we know how to use it. Many companies either do not have a sales strategy or do not know how to achieve the required goals based on it.
The sales strategy usually follows from the company’s strategy. It is closely linked to marketing strategy, and sometimes they are complementary to each other.
A clear, written sales strategy allows not only the manager, but also the key employees or shareholders of the company to know in which direction the company’s sales are moving and should move. According to research, only 1 in 10 companies have a written sales strategy. Even if there is a sales strategy, often not everyone knows how they need to be involved in the process for sales to work properly in the company and how they should contribute to a clear sales strategy.
Without a clear sales strategy, you cannot have clear guidelines HOW. How results will be achieved and how those results will be ensured. A sales strategy is an action plan that will be used to achieve specific goals.
A sales strategy usually consists of the following components:
- Objectives: long-term and short-term;
- SWOT analysis;
- Products / services;
- Markets (existing and potential);
- Pricing;
- Advertising, communication;
- Sales channels;
- Customers: segmentation, attraction;
- Team, its implementation in sales strategy.
All these parts are combined by tactical actions. Tactical actions describe each of these points in detail and form a clear action plan, allowing you to determine the amount needed for KPIs, knowing how to work with the team, oversee and ensure its effectiveness.
To create a sales strategy and tactics, we follow these steps:
- Analysis and audit of the current situation (communication with managers, sales (if necessary and other) departments;
- Strategic session with managers and key personnel (setting goals and guidelines);
- Joint formalization after the strategic session and its further implementation.
Are your sales results stuck? There can be many reasons for this. Maybe you don’t have a sales strategy and tactical action? Maybe your sales manager doesn’t know how to implement it purposefully? Maybe there are no clear KPIs for how a team should work and what results we measure? Or maybe, in the end, there is no motivational system to encourage all this to be implemented correctly?
In all of these cases, the VoodooSales team can assist with both strategy development and moderating strategic sessions or conducting further consultations. We work with the preparation of B2B (business-to-business), B2C (business-to-consumer), B2G (business to government), Lithuanian and foreign (export) strategies and assistance in their implementation.
Do you have any questions? Contact us. CLICK HERE and we will find solutions together.